Boxwood styling


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Beirut Lebanon
Repotted this boxwood from.nursery soil to a large bonsai pot with bonsai media 22. Had to chop the base but still kept enough roots at the time.
Since then tree struggled a bit and lost.most of its branches but made a come back in few branches. It dried up couple.of times.after repotting so not sure if it was the repot.or the lack of water that killed.most of the branches

2 years later tree is filling up on the still alive branches and I see some.back budding on old wood.
Want to start cleaning up and setting structure with what I have and need ideas on how to take tree forward. Tree has multiple main trunks emerging from.same.l9cation so plan from.the start was to take out some, guess now the tree made its choices. Here are som workable angles and some.shots with trinks having viable branches to help with choice.

Option 1
With this front I can either cut down the whole tree to the foliage on lower trunks.and rebuild it.or.can the dead branches and work.woth.the trunks.marked in green

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Option 2

Live branch is one on the right side of main trunk and feels it breaks the tree natural flow to take out the other branches and leave this one


Option 3



Appreciate any advice on how to proceed and whether to take out the dead branches already or keep some.for deadwood. Any plan for structure to move towards would be appreciated
Thank u, will remove all branches that don't have any leaves. As tree is now growing believe it should be ok to start fertilizing ? Heavy fertilizing ok to get it going or slowly buildup fertilizer load ?
You have a soil problem. The tree is struggling (and mostly losing the battle). The repot photos show a significant area of dense soil right under the tree's trunk. That soil is slowly killing the tree and will continue to do so if it's not addressed. I would stop all work on the top and try to get the tree to get stronger. I would not start heavily fertilizing it now and trying to force new growth. I would try to get the tree to survive to the next repotting in the spring.

At the next repotting, get in there with a root hook and hose and claw/wash out all of that dense soil. Wash ALL of the soil out of the root mass until you have bare roots. Don't cut any roots if you can manage it or do minimal removal. Repot in well draining bonsai soil. Allow a year for recovery (more if possible)
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