Bought my first Bonsai Tree (Fukien Tea)


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Hello all,

Im new to Bonsai, just bought my first Indoor Fukien Tea,

First thing I noticed is the roots seem to be overlapping the pot, as seen in the picture below, (I did not get any details from the seller as to when it was last repotted).

Does it need a repot? I know its winder but the tree will be indoor and I live in a generally warm area in the middle east even during winter.

Also noticed some leaves (3-5) have holes with dark edges.

Thank you for reading.

Great first tree, and welcome to the forum! I’ve not seen anyone else on here from Dubai, so that’s pretty neat.

Do you have an outdoor space for this tree? Generally, even those of us in temperate climates keep tropicals outdoors during the warmer months, which are considered to be anything consistently over 50° F/10°C. If that describes your climate year round, it could be outside year round. Best to check with local plant experts.

Does it need a repot? I know its winder but the tree will be indoor and I live in a generally warm area in the middle east even during winter.
You’re definitely correct that the roots seem to indicate that it should be repotted soon. With tropicals, they like to be repotted when they can be outside in “summer”. Unless you’re having trouble getting water to penetrate the roots, I would hold off on repotting until then. Again, if you can find any local experts, they are always a great resource, as this can be very climate specific.

When you do repot, you may want to reduce some of those thicker roots to encourage finer roots closer to the base. The pot looks like it could be a little small, so if you want to encourage strong growth, you could consider a larger pot. Usually, bonsai root systems are worked down to smaller containers over a series of repots.
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