Bonsai Nut
Nuttier than your average Nut
I'm probably going to enter two different trees in this contest (if that is ok). The first will be cutting grown, the second will be from my landscape. The landscape tree I have yet to dig out of the ground so I'll take some "before" pics.
This is a Miyuki that I got as a cutting from @Eric Group back in Nov, 2017. I think he may be surprised I still have it I've been growing it out in pond baskets ever since. It may even be sitting there for a couple more years before I start to work it
This is a Miyuki that I got as a cutting from @Eric Group back in Nov, 2017. I think he may be surprised I still have it I've been growing it out in pond baskets ever since. It may even be sitting there for a couple more years before I start to work it
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