Bonsai wisdom?


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I wonder if it will be possible start a thread on bonsai wisdom. By this I do not mean technical stuff like "how to's". By this I mean those "pearls" of which you do not read in books, but only acquire through experience. I will give an example: The other day Mr Vance taught me a very valuable lesson. Maybe this is written in some book somewhere, I don't know, but it changed my entire outlook as far as bonsai is concerned. He told me to think of reducing a tree into a bonsai instead of growing it into one. After contemplating this, everything changed. As a consequence of this there will be a few trees that will get repotted into bigger training pots when the season turns.

What I'm after is this: What are these things that changed your outlook on bonsai?

Vance's tidbit of wisdom has been published in the past. Nonetheless, an extremely valuable tip for all to chew on.
Here's one that has never been published: You have to learn to see not just look, listen and not just hear, and feel with your hands and not just your heart. For wisdom to be of any value it must first be practicle. Now let's see who catches on to it.
Here's one that has never been published: You have to learn to see not just look, listen and not just hear, and feel with your hands and not just your heart. For wisdom to be of any value it must first be practicle. Now let's see who catches on to it.

That goes beyond bonsai and into everyday life.... good stuff there Mr. Vance!
Whomever said it first has nothing to do with its applicability. It hasn't been repeated enough imho.
Do you own the copyright Vance? many have said it, who's on first?

I don't own the copy right on it but having said that you would be amazed at how many things I originated, and posted on the net in early forums have been restated and expanded by others. I am not complaining I am simply stating a fact.
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