Bonsai Trio Kit

Have you ever tried Bonsai Trio Kit?

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I am brand new to the world of Bonsai and just got a Bonsai trio kit for Christmas. I sowed the seeds, put the pots in perforated bags, and placed them in a cool dry spot out of direct light. I am supposed to wait the 2-3 weeks. Has anyone else tried this kit? I have no idea what to expect.
welcome! not the trio kit, but i did start off with a kit like it from amazon about a year ago. The kit was the thing that got me really interested in bonsai (besides visiting japan last spring). Although growing from seed is fun and a good idea, your going to want to get stuff that you can actually work on to keep you interested. I would hit up a local nursery and get some cheap stuff to repot and play around with and read up about the species you are trying to develop (if bonsai is something you are interested in pursuing). Your going to need things to keep you busy for about 10-50 years before the seeds can actually be called a bonsai. Its also a good idea to add your location to your profile so people can get a better idea of what climate zone you are in and what plants do well where you live.
Hi Jordan!

I just googled the Bonsai Trio Kit and it seems like a standard bonsai-from-seed kit. I want to echo @808bonsaiSF and emphasize that growing from seed takes some serious patience. You may want to look into scaling up your operation, just to have more baby trees to play with in a year or two, but you're easily 5 to 6 years out from even having "pre-bonsai" from these seeds.

Have you seen the 6 Year Japanese Black Pine from seed contest? Here's a link to the forum: If you look at people's individual threads, you'll notice that most of us are starting dozens, if not hundreds, of seeds in the hopes of having maybe five really nice trees in six years. You're right on time to join the contest -- depending on where you live you may not even want to start seeds until closer to April.

In general though, do some googling about growing bonsai from seed, just to see what you've gotten yourself into. And yes, pick up some nursery stock, or even a finished tree, just to keep your interest up over the years.
Got 1 of these for xmas and it got me interested, I am already a propagating nut, seeds and cuttings facinate me. put the seeds in the fridge etc then read theat box could be used :) took a dozen cuttings LAST year so they are a year old and well rooted in small jiffy 7s.
A couple years ago I got one of these around Christmas time as well. Sadly only a few of my Mugo Pine seeds sprouted, but I think these kits are at least a good gateway to gaining interest in bonsai.

If you're dead set on growing from seed I'd suggest just buying a larger quantity of just seed (which is often cheaper than a kit) for better germination rates

And just like 808 and sparkle talked about, be prepared for what growing from seed entails. But don't let the time discourage you! Following a tree's development from seed is a very satisfying endeavor.
Damn. Sorry so long!
Last year!

Welcome to Crazy!

Definitely join the contest!

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