I wish it were my garden. Here is the sad state that my real garden is in as of this morning.
This past winter I went through several surgeries on my back including 2 botched surgeries that was supposed to fuse both SI joints. So I wasn't able to care for my trees and garden like I normally do. Then this past summer we had over 40 days at 95 degrees and up, without much rain. My kids didn't water my trees like they told me they were. Hot temps no water makes unhappy bonsai. I went from 36 trees down to 4 (2 dawn redwoods, 1 Norfolk Island Pine, 1 Ginseng Ficus). So I guess I will be starting from scratch.
For a mulch I just rake up autumn leaves, run them over with a mulching lawnmower and spread them out in my garden.
The weed barrier for the entire garden is a rubber pond liner. I had a nice goldfish pond but my back went really bad so I couldn't take care if it. So we filled in the pond and I took the liner. It wouldn't work very good for another pond as it had holes in it and instead of tossing it I made my bonsai garden. I can't do gardening and yard work like I used to, but bonsai trees are generally small enough for me to work on.
For the past several years I have been keeping a blog for my other hobby, amateur radio. Since it feels like I'm having to start over in bonsai I decided to start a blog on bonsai (
Rose Rock Bonsai ) I enjoy blogging and it is just an easy way for me to track the progress of my trees.
It is now November and come this spring I'm going to need a bunch of bonsai soil so I will be mixing it up over the coming winter, so I'm probably going to end up with a lot of fines thus the reason for this thread. I really can't afford even small trees and shrubs from DIY or nurseries. So I usually grow them from cuttings that I am able to get from my friends family yard trees. I have like just 2 actual bonsai pots. Mostly I use $1 oil drainage pans from the Dollar Tree. They are cheap, they work, and they make great training pots.