Bonsai new year!

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Hooper Utah, United States
Happy new Year everyone, I wanted to take the opportunity of the holiday to review my first year in the practice... Honestly not great™

Starting with my first tree my Sequoia.
Noticable mistakes, 1:slip potting, 2: "indoor bonsai"
Ultimately I failed this tree as I was inexperienced and prideful- choosing an awful tree to start with to avoid "what's common" (idiot, they are common because they work)

I then proceeded to my cherry cuttings which although ultimately failed I did learn quite a lot about my climate.

As those slowly died off I got a job at a nursery which really helped me learn from a family that's kept trees alive for 3 generations,

I picked up several sick trees and killed many by overworking...

Learned that bonsai heirloom... Was definitely NOT a good source...

Many lessons learned, here's to a new better year
I would say, the biggest part of making a mistake is to learn from it.

When I advise people in my trade, I try to get the person to think critically of their mistake to learn from it.

I can understand the drive to work with uncommon species. I am the type of person that strives to be unique and do things against the fold. When it comes to bonsai though, knowing why the species isn't commonly worked is important.

It does take a lot to admit when you were wrong, especially if was due to pride. Here is to hoping for a much better bonsai for you in the next year.
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