Bonsai in Denver - What species to expect to make it?


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Barrington, IL
I live in the SF Bay Area but am considering a move to Denver, CO. If I were to move I'd like to bring some of my trees, but only if they're likely to do well in that area.
I have some tropicals (Bougainvillea, Portulacaria Afra), and also lots of Coast Redwoods. Do bonsai folks in Denver typically have any of those species? It would be heartbreaking to get rid of my trees, especially the Coast Redwoods, but I'd do it if I needed to.

Any tips would be appreciated.
Denver is a fantastic place to practice bonsai.

All of those species can be cultivated here successfully. I know that some members of the Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society keep coast redwood. Many folks around here also keep tropicals. But all of those including the redwoods would need winter protection.

And then you have all the Rocky Mountain natives. Of course, those all thrive in Denver. Rocky Mountain Juniper, limber pine, Colorado blue spruce, Doug fir, ponderosa, lodgepole, aspens, alders, potentilla, sage…it goes on and on!

If I were you, I would keep 1 or 2 of your favorite redwoods if they are really special to you. And sell the rest and pick up some native species when you get out here. I think you can bring the tropicals just fine! I keep my tropicals in a south windowsill over the winter and they do great - don’t even have to mess with lights.

Hope this helps!
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