Bonsai blooper: Peter (Maria Capra) takes a fall.


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So Who thinks bonsai is a safe activity ?


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He should stick to shohin. Much less distance to fall.
He should stick to shohin. Much less distance to fall.

Dang! i was trying to air layer the top for shohin...hahaha..but im glad harry wasnt the one that took the fall... now you know why i like shohin better...;)
I'm glad you're OK. I'm especially impressed how you kept one hand steadying the tree so it wouldn't fall!
Dang! i was trying to air layer the top for shohin...hahaha..but im glad harry wasnt the one that took the fall... now you know why i like shohin better...;)

You are my current Favorite bonsai expert and stunt man, I'm a big fan

I do mean big

Peter, you have to start making trees from much smaller material.

Glad you made it through. I was really impressed the way the roll of wire stayed with the tree.

Real men wire with the whole roll in their hand!!!! And a wire scissor on your pinky.....

Ever find that crabapple you been looking for?
Glad you made it through.

I just hope he will come back in the future.

The Stage is being repaired, or so they say... local park system..hmmm
I just hope he will come back in the future.

The Stage is being repaired, or so they say... local park system..hmmm

Yes! i will come back and the San Diego Bonsai Society club has special place in my heart and in my arm... Cheers!!! See you at the SDBS show...:)

Peter, next time they say lots of gin needed they meant jinn with a j ..... :o

Glad you made it OK ... there was actually a green screen behind and you'll be on youtube next week falling from a shohin juniper ...
Peter, next time they say lots of gin needed they meant jinn with a j ..... :o

I think i have lots of GIN beacuse i didnt feel it when i got hurt.. Glad im ok and finish the whole demo with a smile...:cool:


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Great Photos PM,

Love that old guy ! He has been coming to our club for decades and always brings great info and helpers and awesome donations !

Harry just turned 96 , check out the design on his Apron...a Big D design...LOL

harry 96th.jpg
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