Hello all. I started getting into Bonsai around this time last year. After killing quite a few trees I figured it was time to find some help. My first tree was a juniper which didn't last very long, looking back it was probably because I wasn't feeding it. I got another juniper which lasted longer but still didn't make it. After doing my research I believe my problem is my feeding and watering schedule. I currently have two sweetgum maple trees, one is a sapling, the other is a couple years old. Both are from the wild and both survived the winter. Yesterday I got a Chinese Elm, I think. I repotted it in a mixture of lava rocks, orchid bark, and a small amount of top soil. The tree is outside getting lots of morning sun. My questions are how often should I fertilizer and water my elm? Fo they like the soil to completely dry out between watering? Any help and suggestions would be awesome. Thanks guys!
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