Bonsai Auctions over on Facebook...


Neagari Gal
Reaction score
NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Man, there is some stellar pieces going up for BIN prices that had I not just bought a bald would be mine. Scott Lee has some amazing ROR Satsuki really stands out to me. I need to ban myself from those auctions...very impressive material...and fare pricing at that.

If your not a member of the may wish to go join to see what is being offered up. Those who aren't...are missing out on amazing material.

A bit of eye candy as an example...
The above tree is SOLD...FOR THE BIN price...I'm sure the buyer will be very pleased. A couple more up for auction as well. But, this one was my favorite. They got an amazing piece for their bench. :cool:
Is there a rule against posting a link or the price of the item shown?

Not that I'm aware of...just didn't think to do so.I'm also on my phone...I'm a bit more tech illiterate on it. Sorry. When I get home I can attach a link...but this one's sold. But I can go to Bonsai Auctions and type in Scott into the search and all his listings come up. I can attach that link then. And one can see all the azalea he's got up for auction.
Is there a rule against posting a link or the price of the item shown?
I think you used to, didn't you Don?...Was it suggested to not do so? Just curious. Personally, I'd rather see a member post up a tree in the "tree selling" forum. Always checking here. Don't do facebook and don't have time to hit ebay too often. Just me tho, each his/her own. Always in the market from reputable sellers..
I know the facebook groups are pretty strict about not selling elsewhere, i.e. don't put it up for auction there and on ebay at the same time, don't put it up for auction and also offer to sell it privately here, that kind of thing. Posting links shouldn't be a problem as far as I know.

BTW, the pictured tree sold for BIN price of $350.
I think you used to, didn't you Don?...Was it suggested to not do so? Just curious. Personally, I'd rather see a member post up a tree in the "tree selling" forum. Always checking here. Don't do facebook and don't have time to hit ebay too often. Just me tho, each his/her own. Always in the market from reputable sellers..
Exactly...they don't want it sold elsewhere when one maybe bidding on it on their site. Good rule. I know I've seen ones post links on FB groups for auctions. But when using the search function on the group auction. The link address is not seen to copy paste from my phone.
The above tree is SOLD...FOR THE BIN price...I'm sure the buyer will be very pleased. A couple more up for auction as well. But, this one was my favorite. They got an amazing piece for their bench. :cool:
Looks a lot like a yata no kagami, beautiful...note how the plain training pot pairs nicely with the blooms and exposed roots caddi LMAO..
Stupid rule. Facebook Nazi's tell me where to sell my tree? Just so I get the privilege to sell my stuff on their ridiculous and exclusive site?
Pass......rant get outside and off's a beautiful day out there!!!!!
Stupid rule. Facebook Nazi's tell me where to sell my tree? Just so I get the privilege to sell my stuff on their ridiculous and exclusive site?
Pass......rant get outside and off's a beautiful day out there!!!!!
You can do whatever you want, but if they see it they'll kick you off. Their site, their rules. If you don't like it, don't participate. Kind of like here...
you can always try on ebay with reserve price... and then go to fb
Don't...I have an actual life to live. Never been on Fakebook.
I'm not a Facebook lover either. However, as a seller (which I do occasionally) when you have a place with a captive audience of around 6,000 people it's hard not to utilize it.
Some people are too good for facebook...I don't live on it but it's a very useful tool, just like bonsainut.

Now twitter, I have no need for that!
Some people are too good for facebook...I don't live on it but it's a very useful tool, just like bonsainut.

Now twitter, I have no need for that!

Well, I'm not a facebook user. That's why I asked about the link/price. I certainly don't consider myself too good for facebook. I don't have time to do all the crap I try to do already. Facebook would just be one more thing to consume me.
Well, I'm not a facebook user. That's why I asked about the link/price. I certainly don't consider myself too good for facebook. I don't have time to do all the crap I try to do already. Facebook would just be one more thing to consume me.
And as I'm sure you realize, I was not referring to people like yourself. I don't think I've ever seen you ridicule facebook ("fakebook", real life, etc). You choose not to use it, that's fine. I didn't use it for a long time either. Eventually it made sense for a number of reasons.

I just find it...interesting...that people will crap all over facebook while spending large amounts of time here and on other forums, which are also not "real life." But to each his own, I really don't want to get involved in a battle over this.

As I stated in a previous post, the tree sold for BIN $350.
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