Bonsai-A-Thon @Huntington - anyone going?


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Central Coast, California
I'll be driving South this weekend to the Huntington Library and Gardens to check out their annual bonsai event. I visited their bonsai collection once previously, but this will be my first event of this type. Here's their flyer.


I'm planning to go all day Saturday and play by ear whether or not I return Sunday. I'm hoping for a well stocked vendor area! Any other tips? A demonstrator I really shouldn't miss?

Anyway, if any of you "Nuts" are planning to go, let me know, or come up and say hi if you spot me there! I'm hard to miss with the long hair and silly mustache :)
Thank you for posting this! I having been doing Google searches to find more information and couldn't locate ANYWHERE. Not at the Huntington web site. Not at the GSBF web site. It is almost like they are trying to keep the event as top-secret as possible. We were just talking this week about how bonsai shows seem to avoid public marketing - and this is a perfect example!
YES!!! I couldn't find anything on their website either. This was in the GSBF newsletter, forwarded to me by a member of my local club. Otherwise, I would have had no idea!
I'm thinking that this might be a good opportunity to implement a new buying rule for myself. Set a budget, and then, instead of scrounging for bargains, buy the ONE best tree/stock that I can afford. We will see if I can actually implement that; there may be too many bargains!
I was planning on going. Not so sure now. Waiting for some carpool friends.

The event is free. Print out a name tag to say you are a "Bonsai-a-Thon Participant" and you will get in for free, otherwise it's $10 or $15 bucks at the gate.
I was planning on going. Not so sure now. Waiting for some carpool friends.

The event is free. Print out a name tag to say you are a "Bonsai-a-Thon Participant" and you will get in for free, otherwise it's $10 or $15 bucks at the gate.
Thanks for reminding me; I have an email containing one to print. It was also suggested that I wear my club nametag to be sure.
Like I said in the other post GSBF has no intention of advertising to the public and is rather stubborn about it. I think it's stupid but that's the position.
I'll be going, likely both days since I live a half hour away. I'll be on the lookout for the trademarked mustache ;).

The event was listed on the GSBF events page. That's how I found out about it. There was a facebook event page too started by one of the guys that volunteers that maintain the Huntington's bonsai collection to drum up some more attendance via the various facebook bonsai pages but I had to email the organizer to get a schedule of events and the info seems inconsistent. For instance, I wasn't at all aware about printing the badge to get in free vs paying entry. The flyer I got from the organizer said the event was free.

I completely agree the publicizing is pretty poor, even to the Bonsai community it seems. It's ridiculous given the event's purpose is to raise funds for the collection there. I'd want to pack the place.
It is almost like they are trying to keep the event as top-secret as possible. We were just talking this week about how bonsai shows seem to avoid public marketing - and this is a perfect example!
Hmmmm, there's this nagging voice in the back of my had that's reminding me about this very issue in another thread. I'm just sayin'.
Like I said in the other post GSBF has no intention of advertising to the public and is rather stubborn about it. I think it's stupid but that's the position.

I agree Al, but in this case, how about even advertising to the BONSAI public? Like putting a flyer up on their web site at the bare minimum?
Hooking up with one of the local clubs will get you the info. I joined the Dai Ichi club out of Gardena and their newsletters list many local events including Huntington's. I went last year and found the demo quite good but there tree vendors lacked the variety I had hoped for. Still not too bad an outing if you are in the neighborhood.
OMG Colin I forgot to look for you! I am almost positive I saw you in the vendor room and I walked right past. I was thinking to myself - that guy looks familiar - but I thought you might have been one of the vendors!
I found Colin! I didn't know you were there BNut I would have looked for you too. Seeing the bonsai and penjing trees the Huntington kept behind the scenes that weren't on display like the above BC or other trees in development/recovery, not to mention a literal forest of massive 10-15' black pines in wooden crates they had staged for future gardens was a special extra treat.
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