Blue spruce help


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I am wondering if I should create a spruce bonsai. I have a lot of young ones growing in my backyard that have a lot of potential. I just want to know some things in general about blue spruce, like when to prune, how to fertilize, etc. help is greatly appreciated!
Griffin, I know spruce are best wired in the fall. I know they tend to spring back some when the wire is removed, I heard that leaving the wire bite into the trunk helps alleviate that problem. I know firsthand that if you cut branches in the spring when its budding and growing you will lose lots of sap even with sealer applied and may kill the tree. They do not like extensive root work either. I think the reason for wiring them in the fall is the sap is not restricted and the cambium is not affected which could damage the growth of both stems and roots. Good luck with it !

I read in an article that when Kimura works them(wiring) he mists the foliage as he goes. Also once the crown has densified, when thinning, selectively prune out specifically stems and shoots that are weaker and non vigorous. This with the Japanese origin spruce. Harold Sasaki and some Coloradians have been collecting and growing Blue spruce for some time--they may be a good info source and check out commentary by Andy Smith on spruce on his WS. One thing I have found. Spider mites kill them "quickly"--and mine did not like mineral water and the resulting higher PH.
Ed is correct. I would not dig up any of those young trees, it would be a waste of time and a waste of a young tree. You're in Colorado, either buy a nice collected tree or learn to collect yourself. Develop an eye for quality, find a teacher, join a club, etc. This guy collects spruce on occasion;
I am wondering if I should create a spruce bonsai. I have a lot of young ones growing in my backyard that have a lot of potential. I just want to know some things in general about blue spruce, like when to prune, how to fertilize, etc. help is greatly appreciated!

Yes you can. Did they grow there naturally? At any rate dig the ones you want, put them in pond baskets and leave them alone for a year or two. Then we can start doing something with them. This Blue Spruce has been one of my victims since 1982


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