Blights (Black Spots) On Juniper


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I just recently got a garden juniper from the Nursery in hopes of eventually turning it into a bonsai. However upon further inspection I recognized multiple very small black spots along the branches that seemed to eventually turn the branches white before killing them off, as evidence from one branch. A google search suggests they are blights. Currently I've removed most of the large branches that were infected and sprayed the smaller ones with fungicide, but there are still some small branches left with black spots. Do you suggest I cut off all infected branches and spray the other ones with more fungicide, or should I simply wait and see what happens over winter. I can provide pictures if needed.

Whatever the case at least I know what to look out for next time I buy something from the nursery.
Pictures would really help us see what we are dealing with. Otherwise, I can't really advise
Blight tends to occur on live foliage. When it's the bad kind.
Dead foliage left on twigs can get similar black spots.
I hypothesized a couple times that blight fungi are always present and in a healthy plant never cause any issues, but help degrade old foliage.

As long as the plant isn't showing any ill signs, I would not worry and I also wouldn't treat with random fungicides. Very few fungicides are labelled to combat blights.
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