black pine looking sick


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Perth, Australia
Hi Everyone,

I have a black pine thats taking a turn for the worst.
No work has been done to it and its been following the same regime as the rest of the black pines in the same stage of development, same soil, water etc they are all doing fine.

The only thing i can think of is i left it in a warm car for about 5 hours as i put two trees in the car mid afternoon went to work then was going to head the nursery.

one tree was is still fine. One is not.
Now it may have turned a bit brown before that day and i hadn't noticed it as we have had extremly hot weather i.e. multiple days 35+ and one day hitting 45 degrees centigrade.

does this look like heat stress?

I've placed it in semi shade, mulched over the pot and gave it a good seaweed solution.

any opinions would be much appreciated!

this is from 2 days ago

this is today


It does look burned, and localized. Watch it and compare it to these pix in a few days to see if it's spread to other branches. If not, it's probably sunburn from sitting in the car.
Just make sure you don't let the roots sit in water or stay over-wet! Black pines like dry feet. You're more likely to kill more of them from over-watering than under-watering.
The only thing i can think of is i left it in a warm car for about 5 hours as i put two trees in the car mid afternoon went to work then was going to head the nursery.

Hi Daniel, it is very interesting problem.
It is absolutely due to the heat. This symptom is called "heat burn"!
Why does it occur on the top of the tree? Because the hot air will move upward and less hot air will move downward. That is why burning symptom is seen on the highest part of the tree. If it is caused by the insect (borer), the symptom will be completely different!

The tree must be put in the shady, cool place for few week. It will be needed an optimal humidity to decrease the dehydration! Anyway, the tree will be fine. Please update this tree's status. Thank you.
thanks for the reply guys!

i've moved it into a cooler shadier area, and ill adjust water to suit and see how it goes in the next few weeks. Seem humidity is sitting around 50% with no wind under cover so hopefully i'll have a better picture in a week or so
thanks for the reply guys!

i've moved it into a cooler shadier area, and ill adjust water to suit and see how it goes in the next few weeks. Seem humidity is sitting around 50% with no wind under cover so hopefully i'll have a better picture in a week or so

No problem at all. It looks like you are in the right track!
Humidity in the range 50 - 70 % is good for the plants.
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