Birch Help!


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Huntsville, Alabama
This is my weeping birch, it’s been growing like gangbusters all spring (after a very tough fall and winter thanks to pest pressures that we overcame)
It’s really been doing awesome (and in need of pruning, I know, but I’m letting it grow wild to build back vigor) ...until about a week or two ago. Now there are yellowing leaves popping up daily. What is causing this? I’m worried.


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Shaded leaves appear like that this time of year, so that is my guess. More sun, if it is worrying you. On the other hand, I think birch back bud strongly, so I wouldn't worry about it if you want the trunk to thicken.

Next spring you can cut back to visible buds and as you do, the visible buds will develop progressively lower until finally leaf break occurs. Then you quit pruning for the season and just let it grow if you're after trunk thickening. If you're more after creating a structure, you can go so far as to keep nipping it back to a leaf after letting it extend a few nodes. In your present circumstance, you could cut back to a leaf and maybe get some of those leaves to reappear this year, but you will not have as strong a tree as you would just letting it grow - that's the trade off.
Welcome to Crazy!

What type of soil is this in please? I am wondering if it's getting enough air into the soil, if it's organic and has all that surface cover on it. Birch is an interesting subject to work with, I've tried with mixed results, they seem vigorous when young but drop the odd branch when they get older. Good luck with it.
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