Just wanted to have a place to put my project so I could get tips/advice and to share my ficus too little forest.
The end goal is a crazy jungle with lots of aerial roots and roots over rocks.
I went to a nursery and found these ficus too little stock at 2.99 each. Nothing too special little guys size of a pencil, but healthy. I have several Benjis and a few retusa and a green island but I’ve never had a too little. But a ficus is a ficus. I’ve seen pics of them and wanted one so I went ahead and bought one... or 8, but who’s counting. Anyways I’m planning on using this stock for my forest. I’m either using 5 or 7. I’ve read forests should be odd numbers. OR I’ll go against the grain and use 6!
I got these rocks, slate I think, from a nearby nursery for $6.

Using some cement construction adhesive I made these cliff like structures.

I originally bought the big training pot on the right for this but it turned out to be way to big. For this. I’m not sure where I would be able to put it.?

So I had this seedling tray hanging around and decided to use that. Just need to drill some holes for drainage. Not the best art work but you get the picture. The rocks are also going to be elevated higher with space in between for a path

Still need to sand and stain it. But I made the box with cedar board and added some trim. Even mitered the edges ?. I also need to put a support bracket in the bottom of it to hold this big forest.
I wanted a nice pot but this size I would of needed=$$. So this will work for now.
That’s where I’m at now. I’m planning on adding soil and trees this weekend hopefully if my wife doesn’t drag me anywhere. The rocks will almost be completely buried for quite some time while the roots kick up. I think after this summer I can start to expose some of the roots.
I can’t wait!
Let me know what you think and anytips would be more than helpful.
The end goal is a crazy jungle with lots of aerial roots and roots over rocks.

I went to a nursery and found these ficus too little stock at 2.99 each. Nothing too special little guys size of a pencil, but healthy. I have several Benjis and a few retusa and a green island but I’ve never had a too little. But a ficus is a ficus. I’ve seen pics of them and wanted one so I went ahead and bought one... or 8, but who’s counting. Anyways I’m planning on using this stock for my forest. I’m either using 5 or 7. I’ve read forests should be odd numbers. OR I’ll go against the grain and use 6!

Using some cement construction adhesive I made these cliff like structures.

I originally bought the big training pot on the right for this but it turned out to be way to big. For this. I’m not sure where I would be able to put it.?

So I had this seedling tray hanging around and decided to use that. Just need to drill some holes for drainage. Not the best art work but you get the picture. The rocks are also going to be elevated higher with space in between for a path

Still need to sand and stain it. But I made the box with cedar board and added some trim. Even mitered the edges ?. I also need to put a support bracket in the bottom of it to hold this big forest.
I wanted a nice pot but this size I would of needed=$$. So this will work for now.
That’s where I’m at now. I’m planning on adding soil and trees this weekend hopefully if my wife doesn’t drag me anywhere. The rocks will almost be completely buried for quite some time while the roots kick up. I think after this summer I can start to expose some of the roots.
I can’t wait!
Let me know what you think and anytips would be more than helpful.