Hey there! Hope all is well. You’ve bit off quite the project but, don’t take that as words of discouragement. The way I look at it, I think any project is worth your time if you think it is. Ask yourself; SELF, (you know that I, we, like this plant) what’s the highest and best outcome that this plant can achieve? Then, stare at it from every angle possible. Then, with that future in mind, it’s time to get the plant back to health. I have a gardenia and it’s the most needy tree in the garden. From watering to pest control and sensitivity to everything, there’s no species that needs more TLC. I’m about to work on mine because, it needs help. Hard scale, aphids and mites have moved in from nearby landscape hibiscus… grrrrr! All in all, I’d say they’re worth keeping around because they smell wonderful and it’s great horticultural practice. How’s this plant doing?