WNC Bonsai
I am getting my drip system tuned up and ready to turn on again so was wondering what is the best time of day to water? I have heard folks say do it first thing in the morning so the tree will be wet all day. Others say mid-day to afternoon so it will get rehydrated during peak heat and water stress. Yet others say late afternoon so it will have plenty of time to take up water and still dry off before evening comes. The rationale there seems to be letting the foliage dry off so it won’t be subject to fungal attack. Last year I had the system set to turn on at 5PM and run for 5 minutes. This worked until mid summer when I started hand watering again as I had added so many seedlings and collected trees that weren’t covered by the drip system. The drip system seemed to work fine otherwise as the trees grew well but I am always looking for the best combination. This year I also may try adding a few spray heads to improve water distribution. It is difficult though on monkey poles to use spray heads. Will have to search the catalog and see what options are available.