Best Time To Air Layer A Crepe Myrtle?


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Somerdale, NJ
We've got one in our back yard and I was so impressed with it's color this fall it decided
to do an air layer on it. When is the best time to begin that procedure on a Crepe?
I have never tried to air layer a crape but I would venture a guess that spring would give you the best margin of success. Crape myrtle are sensitive to cold and roots within the layer would most likely freeze.

I have never tried to air layer a crape but I would venture a guess that spring would give you the best margin of success. Crape myrtle are sensitive to cold and roots within the layer would most likely freeze.


Thanks. I am going to wait....just wondered how early I could start the process. I was thinking March, like the 2nd or 3rd week. We still have some cold weather but I don't think any roots would be forming for at least a month....possibly later. I just would like to be able to cut it before the fall weather sets in next year.
With layering like most things you can't really rely on the calender for when a procedure should be performed. Wait until the leaves have open and hardened off then take the layer. It should be ready sever by next fall
March in your area is too early. Late frosts will kill any roots that manage to push at that time of year.

Optimally, I'd wait for very warm weather, as that is when root growth can be maximized. I'd wait until May.
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