best place to buy seeds that actually germinate


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Santiago, Chile
I want to know where to buy seeds that have worked for you guys... in particular acer palmatum atropurpurea (atropurpureum), maybe acer palmatum dissectum and arakawa maple.

Maybe the arakawa doesn't really grow from seed and only cuttings or layering... but still any hints o where to find really good seeds is welcome.
Here is a reputable supplier,it sais' they ship worldwide at the bottom of the page.I always have success with them and they have great germination resources and instructions on the website.
thanks I just wrote to them... because the shopping cart doesnt work.
bummer shefield seeds just refunded me, said he can't send seeds over.
I just placed really small orders for seeds off ebay...
Lets hope they make it.
Sheffields also has international shipping.

Sheffields has some really interesting species of pine seeds listed. For those of you looking for pines that do well in the tropics, you need to spend time exploring there. They have a number of Mexican species and seed from some the the southern Chinese and Vietnamese species. These species need to be explored some.

I am starting some P. bungeana - the lace bark pine, it is in the white pine family, and has beautiful exfoliating bark. Likely best use is as a tall, larger sized bonsai - you want to have a lot of trunk visible to show its unique trait. Should look good once the trunk is over 15 years old.
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