Berberis thunbergii


Reaction score
The netherlands Zone 8b
Ive been on the look out for a berberis for a while now but all the small ones i came across were multiple shoots coming up from the roots
But today i was Lucky!

Single trunk taper and hopefully some nice roots.

Not the healthyest of the bunch but ill provide it with great care so i wil get it in good shape :)

Probably i am going for a mame or small tree

Roots look normal yes yellow roots and yellow wood !

20180812_193440.jpg@Lazylightningny close up from the base at start work

Plenty of this dead roots in the bottom half so i decided to do some removal of functionless sticky wet muck (about 50% what filled the pot) spreaded the roots and planted it in a pond basket and filled it up with my homebrew soil mix
Yes i know its august.


Chop chop chop...

Unless it's planted in the soil, the "trunk" won't thicken so much.

My advice: when you think that the roots are OK, prune 90% of it !


Thnx for the link alain!
Its in the pond basket to grow the nebari out now id like to get it great shape and a healthy dense matt of roots.

because its august i didnt want to go so hard on the roots like i would have in spring :o
Looks happy enough. These take all the abuse you can think of, I found.

Hmm well its done already now and dont want to get it out again so next time i will go all in i gues :p
Realy looking forward to an update of your berberis thats in the time capsule!
That's one thorny little tree :D. I like berberis for the leaves and small flowers but I hate actually working on them.
That's one thorny little tree :D. I like berberis for the leaves and small flowers but I hate actually working on them.

I think the color of the leaves in any season the flowers and berry's will look great with your pot and its about the right size :)
Thnx for the link alain!
Its in the pond basket to grow the nebari out now id like to get it great shape and a healthy dense matt of roots.

because its august i didnt want to go so hard on the roots like i would have in spring :eek:

Berberis naturally produce a fibrous root system - like Junipers. You can use a pond basket but it's not really necessary to get a compact root system.
Berberis naturally produce a fibrous root system - like Junipers. You can use a pond basket but it's not really necessary to get a compact root system.
Good to know but i have plenty of those pobd baskets and it was a perfect fit plus never worries about the drainage!
Nice find! Most of them around here are also the multiple small sticks in a pot type. I've thought about getting one of these but those thorns...have one in the yard and I always forget how sharp they are when weeding around it. Then I remember...
Nice find! Most of them around here are also the multiple small sticks in a pot type. I've thought about getting one of these but those thorns...have one in the yard and I always forget how sharp they are when weeding around it. Then I remember...

Keep looking tough this one was as always in the nursery's completely stuffed away in the back and to get it yes it stung !
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