Beginning of a Nandina forrest


Imperial Masterpiece
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My friend cleaned his yard and yanked out this clump of Nandina. He then dropped it at my yard and texted me at work.

It's now in a colander. I hope to turn it into a forest. What do you think?
I have a bunch of Nandinas I've pulled from my yard too for a renovation. 2 clusters about 4-5' tall (1 cluster died or doesn't grow anymore after 1 year, so I threw it out 2 weeks ago), 1 giant cluster about 7' tall, and 2 smaller clusters about 3' tall.

My giant 7' tall one, I noticed the right half of the cluster/forest isn't leafing anymore, but the left side is very healthy and leafed. Will it stimulate new growth if I prune some of the leafless canes down a little, maybe down to one of the very few nodes? I've pruned those leafless canes down, took only 1' off the top, and the canes are still wet/green inside and look alive (yet leafless).
Or, are you supposed to prune the leafless canes all the way down to the soil? I've read a couple times, those canes are actually equivalent to side-branches on a regular tree, and should be pruned as such if dead (completely off to the soil level).
They look beautiful when planted on the border of lawn or garden. I was wondering sometime about the cluster planting in bonsai pot such in your picture. Hope everything goes fine.
I have a clump that I dug 2 years ago. I put it in a pot and it has grown like crazy. I cut it back like you did. Some of the "trunks" had new shots pop up while some died back. There have been plenty of new shoots grow from the roots though. I need to clean it up and take a picture. I'll try to post it tomorrow.
They look beautiful when planted on the border of lawn or garden. I was wondering sometime about the cluster planting in bonsai pot such in your picture. Hope everything goes fine.
I didn't think so either until I saw someone posted a picture here. That looks good so I figured it doesn't hurt to try on a freebie given by my friend.
Tough to use nandina for bonsai due to the compound leaves and the upright growth with no branching. Then again, I said the same thing about sumac... until Mr. Kimura created one :)
I wonder if anyone has created a nice bonsai with a loquat/biwa (I bought a sapling last year, and it's growing like wildfire :oops:).
Probably the last tree one would want as a bonsai because of its' super huuuge leaves tho.
I wonder if anyone has created a nice bonsai with a loquat/biwa (I bought a sapling last year, and it's growing like wildfire :oops:).
Probably the last tree one would want as a bonsai because of its' super huuuge leaves tho.
Tried several times. Couldn't reduce the leaf size without killing the trees.
I wonder if anyone has created a nice bonsai with a loquat/biwa (I bought a sapling last year, and it's growing like wildfire :oops:).
Probably the last tree one would want as a bonsai because of its' super huuuge leaves tho.

I've got a couple of loquats in my landscaping - brought by birds if you can believe.

Most under-rated fruit tree in north America :)
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