been enjoying my international bonsai magazine

dick benbow

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but was wondering what other mags could i subscribe to that you might recommend.
I am going through the same process and decided on subscribing "Bonsai Focus". I have several back issues and I am really impressed with it.
I don't have a subscrip but the ABS version is pretty good.

I have IB as well, and get as a gift Bonsai focus, on the fence with that one as far as recomending it, but it can fill some needs. I'm not trying to make it sound bad either.
thanks Bill for sharing your thoughts. i used to be able to purchase Bonsai focus from my bonsai retailer but it got so expensive to ship a dozen copies to their store that they dropped it. To be honest, I'm kinda getting burned out with named artists working trees we'd never have a chance to acquire. I'd rather see an average piece that gets turned into something. maybe that would move me up to the next Tier of learning. We have speakers at the club all the time and they do the same thing. Last year they did something that helped and that was to give them something rough that they had to work on each year till finished. That way we could see what it was like to basically start with the trunk and reinvent the branching, train them as they thickened etc. Like that so much better then just one quick effort and done.
So ABS is a membership which as a side effort has a magazine? How often does it come out?
Correct, I Perloined this from thier site -

Membership in the American Bonsai Society, Inc. is open to anyone upon application and payment of dues and shall continue from year to year so long as dues are paid.

Memberships include an annual subscription to BONSAI: Journal of the American Bonsai Society, free membership to the ABS Forum, discounts on purchases through the ABS Book Service, and eligibility to participate in ABS Bonsai Events and Contests.

Join us right now online! Classes of Membership and Dues Schedule for One Year:

Individual $40.00

About the cost of a local club dues, and you get the magazine.
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