Bare rooting young JBP


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Boerne, TX
Hi guys, I have 2 seedlings that I received bare rooted in December 2020, and 2 that are 3 years old (received as 4" pot from Brent November 2020) that I plan on repotting this coming spring. I have seen a few posts with seedlings being bare rooted for root over rock planting and I will like to use at least one of them in such style. The 3 year old are planted in pine bark/pumice/lava and I would like to move them into 100% inorganic media as soon as possible.

If it is possible, do I have to take any additional consideration with them? Like no sun or partial sun for a few days? I do plan on keeping as much roots as possible in the repot. I'll try to post pictures of the seedlings later today.

The wires are horrible... they were done before I knew any better 😐. A side question, can I remove some of the foliage from the sacrifice now to allow more light to the lower shoots, or wait till fall and remove the extra shoots and leave 2 per node? I thought about using the one on the left as a literati but the trunk broke about an inch above the lower branch. I left the wire longer as an attempt to help healing, and this created unsightly swelling in that area.

Should be no problem bare rooting pine seedlings this young at the appropriate time, keep all the roots. Maybe protect from wind and extreme heat, but otherwise full sun.

I would remove everything but the 2 highest, strongest shoots on the sacrifice, the weak ones aren't contributing to the thickening and are robbing energy from the lower shoots.
Should be little/no problem with very young trees. One observation that with largely or completely inorganic substrate nearly impossible to NOT bare root as substrate falls off. True even for our old Yamadori. Yikes!
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