Bahama Berry (Nashia inaguensis)


Mister 500,000
Reaction score
Somewhere South of Phoenix
Thanks to member @NewWorldBonsai for this little gem! The species is new to me so hopefully, I don't kill it. I picked it up on his eBay site. If you have never done any research on this tree, it super cool! As you can see in the pictures the leaves are tiny and shiny, the trunk is quite rugged looking. In fact there are places where you would swear it is deadwood and there are little leaves growing out.

When you crush the leaves they have a wonderful citrus smell and apparently many people like tea made from the leaves. I guess it also makes for an interesting spice!

Here are some pics coming out of the box. I have it potted but don't have time to get pics right now. I am in love!!!

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Nashia, it is in the Verbena family. Anthony is right, " I dry, I die" is a good name for this. Very intolerant of drying out. I have killed a few.

Wood is rather brittle, wire shoots while young and flexible or use clip and grow.

Fragrance of the flowers is a sweet vanilla fragrance, fragrance of the foliage is somewhat citrus like, interesting that there's two distinct fragrances.
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