Nice bones. Someone trimmed to produce good bifurcation. Pretty much uncommon.
The issue is the tree has grown as many Girards etc and left no inner foliage. I’m not sure if this is due to being kept in the shade all the time, common issue, or climate being l and the tree inner leaves haven’t budded out all the way…. Likely the former.
Yet despite this, the tree must be made to back bud. A couple things to think about.
More sun to max morning sun dappled after. So what this does.
Trim outer foliage to two leaves each branchlet after the leaves harden off Lioking to push back towards bifurcations
Trunk little taper. Could use alternate lower branchlet’s if they form on trunk.
Please don’t over water or over fertilize.
Mate repot next spring if things look good. You might want to just knock it or off the pot gently and rake some photos of the rootball put back in pot and post
Nuclear Option chop hard -not my favorite unless we can get foliage to bud lower down Others may disagree
…And please post your approximate location and USDA plant hardiness zone. Double tap icon on to of page. Without this information our job is a lot harder to do. Thank you!
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