Imperial Masterpiece
This thread will be a progression thread on the conversion of a nursery plant to a bonsai.
Azalea Group: Glenn Dale
Cultivar: 'Violetta'
Height: 3-4'
Spread: 3-4'
Growth rate: Medium
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Color of flower: Intense purplish pink
Size of flower: 2”- 2¼" (Truss has 2-3 flowers)
Bloom time: Early
Parentage: Malvaticum (SP) x Satsuki azalea (PP)
History of the Glenn Dale Group of Azaleas
List of Glenn Dale azaleas: Glenn Dale Azaleas
Here is the azalea as is in bloom, flowers were removed to make it easier to cut back - 11MAY20
Twin trunk style was decided based on the existing branches. The azalea was cut back fairly hard leaving key branches as future branches for the design. Leaves were left at the ends of the branches if it was possible. All cuts were sealed and key branches were wired to set their placement - 28MAY20
The azalea has responded well to the pruning and root reduction. Adventitious buds emerged in extremely well locations - 22JUN20
Azalea Group: Glenn Dale
Cultivar: 'Violetta'
Height: 3-4'
Spread: 3-4'
Growth rate: Medium
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Color of flower: Intense purplish pink
Size of flower: 2”- 2¼" (Truss has 2-3 flowers)
Bloom time: Early
Parentage: Malvaticum (SP) x Satsuki azalea (PP)
History of the Glenn Dale Group of Azaleas
List of Glenn Dale azaleas: Glenn Dale Azaleas
Here is the azalea as is in bloom, flowers were removed to make it easier to cut back - 11MAY20
Twin trunk style was decided based on the existing branches. The azalea was cut back fairly hard leaving key branches as future branches for the design. Leaves were left at the ends of the branches if it was possible. All cuts were sealed and key branches were wired to set their placement - 28MAY20
The azalea has responded well to the pruning and root reduction. Adventitious buds emerged in extremely well locations - 22JUN20