Queen of the Nuts
Here are some photos of my system and how it hooks together. I use hoses to get to the filter as I'm on a well, and need to filter rust particles out. Its called a Twist-2-clean. After the filter, pvc fittings to the timers. I use clabers, one is a duplo, to control two areas, and one is a single for my third area, again a Claber. I use a hose from there to get to the pvc hard lines that run along the arbor headers. Then there is a sprinkler (mister) head 12" along the pvc. Put more than you need, as you can always turn them off individually at each head. Pretty simple. The heads have a volume control knob on each one, so you can control the amount of pressure, and also shape the cone of coverage a bit by dialing it up (larger) or down (more stream like) I just switched all my sprinklers to misters, as with redoing the benches, I am closer to the heads now and it works fine. You don't want to be much more than 58" from the bench top to the heads. The closer the canopy is to the mister, the better coverage you'll get if its breezy.