Attn: Oregon BNuts - Taking a Wholesale akadama, kanuma etc. order for Portland, OR


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Hi everyone, I am planning on making a soil order to Jonas Dupuich of Bonsai Tonight and aiming for delivery before Shohin School. The pallet size is 96 bags with an extra cost of $3.65 per bag (to cover freight cost). Pickup will be near the pdx airport at the freight will call. Please note the arrival of the freight is likely on a weekday, if you cannot make it, you will need to make arrangements with a fellow BSOP member. Since I have a newborn this year who HATES being in the car 🥲🥲🥲 I will need to ask if someone can be in charge on pickup day. This involves showing up to the meeting site at the determined time frame, and I will give you a list of who gets what. Everyone present will sort the bags into respective piles for pickup.

The only substrate we are not ordering is pumice because it takes up a ton of space and we can get that cheeep locally.

Comment here with what you want!

41 slots left.

1)Mary - 12 kanuma small
2)Masaki - 1 banzai mix
3)Andrew M- 14 double red akadama small
4)Jim Horton- 2 Double Red Line S akadama,
2 Aoki Blend Shohin,
3 Banzai Blend S.
5)Tom W - 10 double line small (5 med 5 small preferred)
6)Aki -3 banzai blend – S
3 Aoki-blend Shohin
5 Double Red Line Akadama S

Payment up front before delivery via venmo preferred or cash as Jonas takes one payment from one person so I will pay the invoice in its entirety. Click on the link below to see what is available and the cost. The site is not too mobile friendly, the prices are in a column on the right.

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