Aaron the Great
Hello, bonsai buds. I am in need of help from your collective knowledge. First, let me tell you about my situation. I'm disabled trying to support myself, the best wife in the universe, our 20-year-old autistic son, and our 16-year-old daughter on my social security. It isn't fun or easy. With my health situation, I have to spend most of my time in bed because my spine is detaching itself from my hip cradle. I kid you not that my daily exercise is taking care of my bonsai collection. My collection isn't impressive, mostly trees native to my area and a few trees from taking cuttings from my friend's landscaping trees. 99% of my "bonsai" pots are oil drain pans from Dollar Tree (10 nice-sized training pots for $10, the trees can't tell lol) I can't drive and it is rare when I leave my house for something other than going to the doctor. Here is what I need help with. I have been wanting to add the following trees to my collection:
Bald Cypress
Japanese Red Maple
Alberta Spruce
I know that I can probably go to the local nursery and get just buy the trees that they have on hand but they are out of my budget, too large for me to work with, and it's hard for me to get to a nursery. So I was wondering if you guys have an online source for these trees. I would prefer cutting but seeds will be ok if that is my only source. I would greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
thank you
Bald Cypress
Japanese Red Maple
Alberta Spruce
I know that I can probably go to the local nursery and get just buy the trees that they have on hand but they are out of my budget, too large for me to work with, and it's hard for me to get to a nursery. So I was wondering if you guys have an online source for these trees. I would prefer cutting but seeds will be ok if that is my only source. I would greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
thank you