What is a parrot. It's a bird, sure. But it also listens to everything it hears and regurgitates it over and over again finding entertainment with anyone willing to show it some love. What a parrot doesn't have is an original thought. It doesn't think for it'self and it only repeats what it hears and doesn't even care if its factual.
There are a lot of parrots here at Bonsainut. Lots of wannabe's that have something to say in every thread parroting something they heard on a video on youtube, or something they heard twenty years ago at some convention in a town that doesn't even exist anymore.
Then there is the guy that parrots the same crap over and over and its not even based in any fact. Just because you say it 30 times doesn't make it fact.
I hear words like:
They don't do that anymore
They won't buy them anymore
They did that twenty years ago
"they" is a word that should never be used at a forum where people come to get knowledge. If posting about other peoples work is the way you do bonsai then tell people that up front and tell people that you are parroting information from someone and that you can do it or not but this works for me, try it if you wish, but I understand its not the only way.
If you feel what you have to share is the only way, start a blog so you can filter out the remarks you don't agree with and hope like hell someone lives near you and your methods will work for them.
I guarantee that Ryan, Peter W. Peter T. and Michael H. would kill an entire collection one year where I live. They have absolutely no idea how to grow bonsai in this God Forsaken desert I live in. It took Kenji Miyata only 5 years to finally get out of the central valley so he could grow trees the way he was used to in the North East.
Who's a parrot and proud of it?
Not me, I only post what I do and what I am growing, and I'm very proud of that.....and could really care less if anyone does anything I do.