Are these 2 trees worth it


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Beirut Lebanon
Saw these 2 trees today and although not a huge fan of the top believe the base on both is great. 1st is an olive so should be able to regrow from lower new branches on trunk.
2nd is a local tree called zikba, not sure what species it is but looks close to an oak from foliage.
Would u go to any of those two and how would you deal with the styling ?

Tree 1

Tree 2
nice trees.

I would consider the olive, and chop down to just after the crazy curve. The other.. Only if you have some certainty of budding. (I woudl expect it to)
I admire the nebari on the olive, it's got nice progress. The second trees base is very interesting as well. I like how it goes to one side
I think both look like they have a lot of potential. I have olives at home and they will bud from anywhere very readily, so creating a nice compact crown from scratch is possible.
Indeed the olive got my interest, its an expensive tree but believe the base and nefarious are very much worth it even if I have to rebuild the top. If I end up pulling the trigger this will be the nice base and nebari i always wanted.
The second one, as nice as the base is especially if I can have it sitting on the edge of a pot maybe to accentuate the loom.of the base , the scars and the weird 2 branches emerging from the trunk look like the tree has to be severely chopped and regrowing from scratch will take years.
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