Approach grafting roots to separate failed air-layer juniper. Would this work?


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I've been trying to air layer this juniper for a couple years and despite the cambium ex. being completely detached from the rootstock it just won't root. I was thinking of rooting some whips and approach grafting 4 or 5 of them so I can eventually detach the top. Does that sound like it would work? Any suggestions when doing this? The trunk diameter is probably around an inch wide, maybe a bit more.20230718_201353.jpg
Approach grafts have been used many times to separate branches or tops of trees.
The real question is are you better at grafting than at layering?
I am surprised the top is still so healthy given it has been girdled for a couple of years.
Approach grafts have been used many times to separate branches or tops of trees.
The real question is are you better at grafting than at layering?
I am surprised the top is still so healthy given it has been girdled for a couple of year
I know it's a hail Mary pass but I'm out of ideas. I've checked it a couple times and it's deadwood for an inch and a half between the rootstock and the top. Both of which are doing great. I've used hormone powder, pumice, etc and it just won't root so I don't know what else to do. Anyways thanks for the answer. I'll guess I'll give it a shot.
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