Aphids on Trident....What to use?


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St Louis, Mo
I just discovered that I have black Aphids on one of my Tridents. I have read not to use the oil spray because it will cause the tree to drop all of its leaves. What should i use? Thanks.
Place tree on a bench

Preferably a three foot high (or a little taller) bench or location. Get your hose. Spray a forceful jet of water (not strong enough to remove leaves, but hard enough to push them up and move them around) UP into the foliage from below. Continue for several minutes. Repeat as necessary until aphids are washed away.

This works faster and less hazardously than any pesticide. Unless you have aphids caked on each shoot,it should control them adequately.
Neem oil works fantastic.

Combine this with Grants kills ants. Sprinkle the bait where the ants frequent at the base of the tree. They love the taste and will take the particles back to the queen. Your ant nest will be gone about the same time all the aphids die from a few applications of the neem oil.

Works everytime, shamwow!
I do not see ants around my tree. I live on the second floor of an apt building and my trees are on my balcony. I will look again for ants but they were not visible this morning. I will try the water technique and if that doesnt work, I have some Neem lying around that I will mix up. Any other techniques out there? Has anyone had bad luck with Neem on maples?
I just discovered that I have black Aphids on one of my Tridents. I have read not to use the oil spray because it will cause the tree to drop all of its leaves. What should i use? Thanks.

Ants take care of them too.
They say not to use Oils on Maple or at least JM but I have done it several times with good results, or at least no bad ones.
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