Anyone remember spring?

Mike Corazzi

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Lincoln, CA
Around these parts I think it was about 9 hours back in February.

This gray, leaden, cold, dreary crap must be what they will call Summer this year.

Yeah, we had a couple weird warm days in Feb too, today its snowing:mad:
Normal, but dry, spring here. Jumping between several degres of frost and snowflakes and tshirt weather. Every hour a surprise.
Normal here but in general milder than the average winter / spring.
It was in the 70's Friday, tonight it's supposed to be in the 30's. The saying about the weather here is "if you don't like the weather, wait a couple of hours.."
Spring? I barely remember winter (because there wasn't much of one!) To break out a snow shovel ONCE in a winter in Pennsylvania is unheard of.
We're actually getting a "spring".

Usually those last freeze days on the extended actually do come, then it snows and is cold until it is 90.

But we're getting this not freezing but cold couple months here ........

Dig it.

March green.

The Easter Bunny got that Rona though, no treats!

It's a normal spring day here in Oregon. It was nice and sunny, but cold this morning with a frosting of last nights flurries. I decided I could get in a repot on my birdsnest spruce on such a fine spring day, so I dug into it. Got her out of the old pot and was just combing out the underside when the winds shifted, the sky clouded over. The winds picked up and started throwing snow and sleet. My shop is outdoors and I got this tree half repotted. Two hours later I got er done and got my butt back inside by the big Glacier Bay woodstove.
February was crazy warm where @Mike Corazzi and I live. I got a ton of stuff planted outdoors for both veggie garden and bonsai projects. Everything has been holding up for me with the colder March, although growing slow. Happy to have it rooted and ready to push forward as we warm up.

I'll take the cool days and gray skies while I can. Oppressive valley summer heat will be here before you know it.
I'll let you know when it arrives here.
25 degrees last night.
Spring was more than 6 months ago. I've had a hot, dry, fire ravaged summer since then.

Currently early autumn with sunny days an nights starting to cool down a bit. Most trees now putting on a late burst of growth. Great day to be working on bonsai!
Spring here is a gradual slow process with the early bud-swell trees just beginning to yawn and wake up. It will be several weeks yet before spring fully kicks in. I can have snow and frost all the way to the end of May....and have....I’m not in a hurry. Slow is good. However, this slow process does limit the time of my active growing season...if I get five months for a growth season it’s a good year.
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