Antidote to really crummy bonsai videos


Spuds Moyogi
Reaction score
Fairfax Va.
These links came across my FB feed. 1980s-era Kimura doing his thing. If you're unfamiliar, he turns a huge deadwood juniper upside down by sawing live veins on the lower trunk to reposition them with heavy wire and raffia. Groundbreaking work:

Part one:

Part two:

Remember when I first watched the second vid . Years ago that and a vid where he started roots on the trunk of a juniper near the apex . And actually turned the tree upside down to make a bonsai . I was like chainsaw cutting live wood from deadwood upside down . This guy is on a level by himself . Was depressed 🤷‍♂️I’ll never know anything about this art . I’m trying to keep trees alive . Then I seen a pic of him looking at a imperial bonsai white pine . Was twice as tall as him . In a pot that held a cubic yard of soil. And my brain exploded 😂😂😂😂😂 like you said ground breaking or his nickname the magician .
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