I’ve done some research and I understand each person situation is Different. I’m from central Ohio, I think zone 5. This is my first winter with trees and I know none of mine are anything to brag about but I still want them to make it threw the winter. If I’m understanding right the deciduous trees need to be sheltered from the ice and wind. The confers can stay outside? Also what about a larch? So I have a shed I put my deciduous trees in and i have a temperature gauge so I can monitor the temperature. So far it seems to stay a few degrees warmer then the temps outside. Do you think this will work for the deciduous? I have a crepe myrtle I think I read I should get a heat pad for it to keep the roots warm? For My conifers I herd Ryan Neil say that with them on the ground they are 10 degrees warmer. So I moved all mine to the ground. They are kinda against a brick building I was hoping this would be enough to sheild from the wind. Also if I need to I could cover all the pots with pine bark? Or I could put them in the shed too if that would help? I figured the ground would be the best bet. I also have the option of putting under My benches. Or if they are okay on the benches I’ll put them back on.? I’m going to post some pictures of my situation and you guys can tell me what would be best. Sorry for all the questions I just want to get this right. If I could get some suggestions it would be very very helpful. Thanks!
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