Another Shohin Mugo beginning---sort of.

Vance Wood

Lord Mugo
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Another Shohin Mugo just repotted and wired today. I have had this tree for a while, it has only been in the last couple of years I have been able to get a feel for what this tree can become. Today we took those first steps.


Sorry for the artifact in the photo.

Here is the tree from a slightly different angle
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Beautiful work vance!
Man, wish I could do that if I were experienced. :p
Keep at it!

Can you give us photos of all 4 sides?

Have you had it in that pot long? Or is it recently potted?

Edit: Oh, sorry, just saw that you said you potted it today. So, is this time of year still considered "summer" where you live, or is it "early fall"? And, what's the repotting timeline for you? Maybe I've misunderstood, I thought it was earlier in the summer.

Cool little tree!
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Beautiful work vance!
Man, wish I could do that if I were experienced. :p
Keep at it!

You have books and magazines and access to all sorts of web sites. Once you get wiring together in your mind, and hands, you can pull off almost anything you can imagine. Look at all the examples of good bonsai, pay particular attention to how the branches are aligned and how they relate to the trunk and each other. Often the really good designs you will covet have very few basic elements that make them up. Once you learn this kind of stuff you can do pretty much anything-----where there's a will there's a way. I have been doing this for 59 years and it has only been recently that I have started to get it all together. Get some lessons with a competent teacher and cut about ten years off that learning curve.

Thank You for your approval of my work.

The tree is ten inches tall for those interested.
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Thanks again for showing us a wonderful tree.
I like the styling and the movement in the trunk, but I think it would look better potted a little lower in the pot. I wish Mugo would grow well here, they are nice trees.

John Lee
Both the views of the tree show it from the same side. While I like the shape of the tree and the literati feel, I would love to see the tree lean towards the viewer more. This tree seems to be pushing away from the viewer and it feels disturbing to me.

Even if there were some larger wire on that apex branch and crank that baby forward some might just do the trick.

Is the back side bad or maybe a view from that direction may be better. Maybe a block under the pot showing a more forward planting angle may be worthy of discussion.
I don't know what but something is making me want to see how the tree would look without the top branch. I wish I could master Photo Shop just to see what it would look like.
Vance, nice tree. Any chance you can give us more of an idea of what the size of this is? It's hard to envision without some sort of reference. I know you said 10" tall. What size pot is it in? thanks.
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