And what fertilizer do you use?
I use a combination of 3 different forms.
Controlled release - Osmocote/Nutricote?etc - mixed with the soil provides small amounts of nutrient every time the tree is watered. Great backup for when I'm not as diligent as I should be with regular fertilising. NPK: 15-3.5-9.1(remember we measure the actual elemental N,P and K, not the oxide forms that you use so the numbers won't match exactly with your equivalents)
'Thrive' All purpose soluble fertiliser - NPK 25: 5: 8.8 . Not sure what your equivalent would be? Cheapest soluble fertiliser available. Provides almost instant nutrients. Used every 2-4 weeks through growing season.
Chicken poo pellets - 'Dynamic Lifter' - again not sure what your equivalent brands would be. Slower release, longer acting organic in pellet form. 1 spoonful on a 15-20 cm pot every 4-6 weeks through the growing season. NPK 3.5 : 1 : 1.6
Occasionally 'PowerFeed' which is a liquid seaweed product fortified with other nutrient sources to provide realistic and consistent levels of nutrients. That one is suitable for P sensitive plants so used in place of Thrive when fertilising Banksia, Protea, Grevillea, etc. NPK 12:1.4:7
Very few fertilisers, especially organics, have every nutrient required by plants. I figure using a variety will help balance out the deficiencies in each without resorting to trace element supplements or trying to figure out what's deficient from signs in the leaves.