So as the season is changing and fall is here, living in nj, all my outdoor trees to this point are from the area. Chinese elm and maples, boxwood and larch. One chinese elm is from a collector in Michigan. Well now I've got a chinese elm on its way up from north Florida where the average low is only between 25-30°f. Where I am in zone 6a is far colder. I have my area set up in my detached garage for the trees and plan to 1.) Let all the trees remain where they are till middle of November at least to know they get the dormancy going from extended exposure to the cold. And 2.) I plan to move them in to the garage soon after and insulate the pots in mulch to protect the roots.
My question is, since this tree is used to warmer lows, should I let it be and experience the same as the rest or move it in to the garage a little sooner than the other trees and insulate the pot in mulch? I just want the tree to survive its first colder winter so I know it will make it thru each successive winter after
My question is, since this tree is used to warmer lows, should I let it be and experience the same as the rest or move it in to the garage a little sooner than the other trees and insulate the pot in mulch? I just want the tree to survive its first colder winter so I know it will make it thru each successive winter after