Angle changes ... novelty red chojubai (neagari of course)


Neagari Gal
Reaction score
NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
...again with screenshots. (Sorry about that) from a clip off Instagram. Just bored...and killing time.

Bought this red chojubai, as a novelty companion piece. To be honest. It was relatively cheap material. That I can't even recall the couch cushion change it was. But beyond reasonable. Enough to make me purchase it even though they are noted to be more finicky. But going in with that understanding.

Picked up this Sonny Boggs pot. Felt it was deep enough to keep it happy. Had always saw an angle change with it. Wanting it a cascade.
It's a thousand times better than when you bought it.
Appreciate those words too! Thank ya kindly.

All goes to show ... what an angle change can bring. When looking at new material. I don't try and overly change them...I don't. I try to get them to evolve and work with what is there. That said... my gerbil always runs by angle changes...and seeing past the seller's chosen front.

This seller sold on 99 cent auction. Used a turntable. Their chosen front was not overly to my liking. The image you see was a screenshot from that video viewing. When I seen it. I could image it tilted down...the roots worked for me. Not against my vision.
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