An almost ready-made bonsai

Joe Dupre'

Reaction score
Belle Rose, La.
I walked some roadside ditches this morning and found a half-dozen promising subjects, with this oak being one of the best. It's got an old, black , gnarly trunk..........unusual for such a small tree. It's seen it's share of highway mowers with it's splintered trunk and whacked off branches through the years. She's marked and coming home with me come Feb. 1, 2020.

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Could definitely make a good tree, might take a minimum of 5 years but that’s short compared to most collected deciduous. Just pick a trunk line and re grow all the branches :)
Mattspiniken, a long growing season really helps in developement. Here's a 3"+ live oak collected this year with just 8 months growth. The central leader is almost the size of my pinky and 31" tall.

We still have 90 degree temps and will have 80's for another month or so.

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A little update on the smallest mulberry of the lot. I collected it in mid to late January of this year. It started pushing leaves a little less than a month ago. It's got a ways to go, but it is looking good. Oh NOOoooooo..........the evil reverse taper. Well, some would have me leave it where it was or, heaven forbid, throw it away. I happen to love it's quirky , perky personality. About as close to a "ready-made" bonsai as it gets.

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I think it has some redeeming qualities. I'd keep it.
I'll keep it. Really curious what one of our long growing seasons will do to it. That's a little less than a month of growth and in a bit cooler temps. Imagine what 8 or 9 more hot months will do!
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