Amur Maple Seed Collection…..(adventure)🙂


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Southeast Pennsylvania USA
I have posted this in my growing threads,but just wanted everyone to see this.
I was in Vermont and decided to look for fresh Acer Ginnala seed.
Low and behild I discovered an entire 1/4 acre of seedling densly packed and so vigorous and healthy growing …I was astounded and rekindled a liking for this species.

I found the thicket of seed doner trees to the west of the field and collected a ton of fresh seed.

It is so nice to see these growing so great…very short internodes and striking bluegreen color and Autumn color just beginning.

I’m going to do an entire crop over the Winter.I soaked the seeds just as I returned home yesterday.

These are the bomb!!
I only hope they grow so nicely in my climate…..these were in 5a…..I’m in 7a.

Such a wonderfully vigorous look to all the seedlings!!!

And to observe the genetic variation of all the seedlings………do you know how happy I was?
An entire field of them.
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Pretty crazy to see a chunk of land seeded with trees like that. At least for me, that sort of thing isn't common around here. Only our weeds and invasive species grow that clustered LOL
Looks like a good spot to ”geek out” and look for variation.
I collected amur seeds yesterday from a tree leaning over an urban hiking trail. My friend is planning to do some field growing.
Good luck with yours.
collected some myself a few days ago. Urban tree with a really dense crown. Never in my life have I stumbled across a field that densely planted with one species though. Almost seems intentional
Love this!!! As I’m in Minnesota, I’ve had a hard time with JM’s and tridents.
I am enjoying my Amur maples, and will be watching this thread closely!

Having such a scientific and calculated mind, I’m sure @cmeg1 will have loads of good info in these.
Thank you 🙏 in advance. 🤣
Awesome. The only thing that grows like that around here is black locust.
Thanks everyone.
I thought it was amazing…..Maybe little mini clumps of 9 or more seedlings if they germinate that prolifically.
I had some sprout on me in the refrigerator a few years ago. It was December and I don't have indoor grow lights so I potted them up and threw them outside to die. But they actually slowly grew all winter in a 4" pots, unprotected. Never seen anything like it. Wasn't the coldest winter we ever had but plenty of days in the 20s. Probably some in the teens?
A. ginnala grow like weed here. Last year I collected seeds from the ones with the most dark red fall color I could find. Then they germinated this spring. A lot of variation in color and leaf shape. Very cold hardy


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A. ginnala grow like weed here. Last year I collected seeds from the ones with the most dark red fall color I could find. Then they germinated this spring. A lot of variation in color and leaf shape. Very cold hardy
Yeah they’re very close to and actually are classified as invasive species in some states!
JM are not reliably hardy in pots here, North of Chicago JM (in pots) need winter protection. I like Amur maple, I don't have to do anything. For them beyond setting the pot on the ground.
I am excited for them.I have so many that I will literally stick 9-13 seeds in a 1.5” stonewool block……..I plan on doing this to the entire first run of seeds when they are ready.Amur,Trident both sourced from fresh seed of trees I seen.Also Have Coreana & Turzaninov Hornbeam…..unfortunately I mixed the Hornbeam seed and unless I can tell very early…..I hhave to come up with different means to make clumps with them as I do not want a mixed variation clump.I believe I have both varities because the seeds are of differing size ( coreana smaller) and the websites did note different picture descriptions…..I honestly have not seen regular turczaninov hornbeam seed for awhile…’s always coreana with the more tighter and dwarf growth……oh well,it is fun growing singles too!!
Will be fun!
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