All Seasons Oil, Bonide

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Germantown, TN
I'm struggling with some gnarly mites on my junipers. Much to my surprise, All Seasons Oil seems to be working best on them. I suspect I brought them in from a nursery on a recent purchase because most of my go-to products aren't working. I sprayed malathion again yesterday and I think I could hear them crack open the 6 packs to throw a pool party as I was met this morning more webs. Maybe just a timing coincidence, but nasty chems didnt do much on the last round and suspect these things are resistent to all but plutonium. My question is I guess how frequently can All Seasons Oil be used? It says take a 30 day break after 3 apps, so I should be done using it but would rather continue. Thanks in advance!
Thank you! I have recommended that stuff for years to people, some use it and some don't. I usually use it for scale. However, last year I used it for mites and it wiped them out. It worked excellent. Also, it is probably the least toxic pesticide you can use. There really is no need to use highly toxic stuff for mites or scale. For one, there is always a chance any pest will come back. Pests are everywhere. So using highly toxic stuff doesn't really do a much better job. It just harshly wipes everything out. This does not mean the tree will be free of pests for forever.

Bonide All seasons Horticultural oil is the only pesticide I use. I used it years ago, then started using the home made stuff. However, I went back to the Bonide last year. The only thing about oils is that it alters the color of some junipers. Particularly procumbens. However, it is not that bad.

As to your question. You can spray, wait about 3 -4 weeks then spray again. It will probably not take more than 2 sprays. Also, you can hose the oil off after about 24-36 hours, which is what I usually do. You might want to keep the trees out of direct hot sun for a couple of days after spraying or until after you wash the oil off.

Thank you! I have recommended that stuff for years to people, some use it and some don't. I usually use it for scale. However, last year I used it for mites and it wiped them out. It worked excellent. Also, it is probably the least toxic pesticide you can use. There really is no need to use highly toxic stuff for mites or scale. For one, there is always a chance any pest will come back. Pests are everywhere. So using highly toxic stuff doesn't really do a much better job. It just harshly wipes everything out. This does not mean the tree will be free of pests for forever.

Bonide All seasons Horticultural oil is the only pesticide I use. I used it years ago, then started using the home made stuff. However, I went back to the Bonide last year. The only thing about oils is that it alters the color of some junipers. Particularly procumbens. However, it is not that bad.

As to your question. You can spray, wait about 3 -4 weeks then spray again. It will probably not take more than 2 sprays. Also, you can hose the oil off after about 24-36 hours, which is what I usually do. You might want to keep the trees out of direct hot sun for a couple of days after spraying or until after you wash the oil off.


Thanks. We've had a ton of wind here lately so they're everywhere. I think I'll start hosing the oil off and then reapply for awhile. I actually checked with a jeweler's loupe a few hours after malathion and most were moving again, as crazy as that sounds. Checked after All Seasons & they'd gone tits up...They're all shimps, and I know what you mean, the needles are (besides mite damaged) a much darker shade than usual. Thanks again for the hose off tip, makes sense but I didn't know if it would be effective against getting too much oil on the tree.
I cover the soil with something, then spray. Then I keep them out of sun for a couple days. Then I protect the soil again, shower off the tree and it goes back on the benches. About 3 weeks later, I spray again with the same routine. They are usually gone after one spraying, however, I do 2 sprayings.

Rob, You mentioned You made some yourself...I dont get that oil here so if you can tell me how you made it it will be very helpful.
I am very strict with bringing home infected trees, so for many years I only had ants and aphids...and I spray the moment I see ants...but it is good to have amo in the arsenal just in case.
Rob, You mentioned You made some yourself...I dont get that oil here so if you can tell me how you made it it will be very helpful.
I am very strict with bringing home infected trees, so for many years I only had ants and aphids...and I spray the moment I see ants...but it is good to have amo in the arsenal just in case.

Hi Neli,
To make the homemade stuff you need:

1 gallon of water
1-2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid.
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
1 capful of alcohol

First mix the 1-2 tablesppons of dishwashing liquid with 1 gallon of water. You can use something not harsh like Ivory. I used to use either Plamolive or Ivory. However, the Palmolive was antibacterial. They recommend not using an anti bacterial liquid. Next add the 1 tablespoon of cooking oil. I prefer to use pure vegetable oil. Shake all this up in a 1 gallon jug and pour into a spray bottle. Now, add 1 capfull of alcohol (the cap from the alcohol bottle) to the spray bottle and shake well. Spray all plant surfaces. Leave on for about 24-36 hours, then wash off. It is best to keep the trees out of direct hot sun while the oil is on there.

Like many oils, this solution will change the color of junipers, especially procumbens. It is not bad, just a different color. I stopped using the homemade stuff and went back to the All Seasons oil. I wasn't sure if the repeated use of the home made stuff, year after year was taking a toll on the trees. Of course, I have no proof and really can't say specifically if there was any effects. I went back to the oil because I figured with as much as I have to spray and how often, I should probably use something that is made for trees.

Waw! That sounds so simple...Thanks! How many ml is the cup for the alcohol bottle? Like a 500ml plastic coke bottle top?
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Waw! That sounds so simple...Thanks! How many ml is the cup for the alcohol bottle? Like a 500ml plastic coke bottle top?

I am not sure of the exact measuring number for the alcohol. The alcohol bottle cap is very small though. Probably half a capful of the coke bottle top would be ok.

Thanks Rob...I dont thing it will make that much difference in such small quantities.
Thank you! I have recommended that stuff for years to people, some use it and some don't. I usually use it for scale. However, last year I used it for mites and it wiped them out. It worked excellent. Also, it is probably the least toxic pesticide you can use. There really is no need to use highly toxic stuff for mites or scale. For one, there is always a chance any pest will come back. Pests are everywhere. So using highly toxic stuff doesn't really do a much better job. It just harshly wipes everything out. This does not mean the tree will be free of pests for forever.

Bonide All seasons Horticultural oil is the only pesticide I use. I used it years ago, then started using the home made stuff. However, I went back to the Bonide last year. The only thing about oils is that it alters the color of some junipers. Particularly procumbens. However, it is not that bad.

As to your question. You can spray, wait about 3 -4 weeks then spray again. It will probably not take more than 2 sprays. Also, you can hose the oil off after about 24-36 hours, which is what I usually do. You might want to keep the trees out of direct hot sun for a couple of days after spraying or until after you wash the oil off.

Hello, haven’t used the bonide horticultural oil, I’ve had a breakout of scale on some mugo and Scot’s pines. I’ve picked a lot of it off but wondering in your experience if I can spray this stuff going into dormancy. Thanks
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