Alain's 6 year JBP from seed contest


Imperial Masterpiece
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Orléans, France, Europe
I ordered some seeds from "Semences du Puy" (for those who live in Europe and want a very reliable seed provider).

About 70% germinated in spring 2014, and most of them survived. A few of them a year later, March 2015 :


Some of them in June 2016 :



I haven't repotted them since then, and about a third of them died : I thought they were mountain trees that could stand frost with no problem, but in the spring of 2018, they had begun to push out new growth and there were a few days of (mild) frost that they were apparently unable to get over.
A few of them today :





I gave away some, others died, but I've got 12 left. I will find a way to protect them in winter.

I will also have to repot them in shallower containers, and feed them a lot : I thought they would grow faster, but I don't live in Oregon and I'm not jonas Dupuich. Yet, I keep trying.

PS : the snail and the oxalis found a place where's there's water. Right now, I can hear the thunder and there's been a very light rain for 5 minutes. More to come tomorrow, at last.

I have a thermometer that has a c/F converter : all-time records broken today.

I lost a few to frost as well, actually the best ones.. The rest is yellow all the way through.
Too bad you started too soon (contest rules are you start after january 2017) but it'll still be interesting to watch these develop!
It seems you're treated with just 1 degree C more than we.
Good luck!
Nice work! I see a bright future for that exposed root one.
Good to see you guys get Oxalis in your pots in Europe too. It finds a home in virtually every pot I own. :)
Too bad you started too soon (contest rules are you start after january 2017)

Never mind, it's just for the fun.

I lost a few to frost as well, actually the best ones.. The rest is yellow all the way through.

I think where we live one needs a greenhouse for them to thrive.
It could be genetics as well. I have a few store bought saplings that do just fine.
But then again, I don't like plants that I have to drag around. I found the watereri and norsk typ of scots pine to be just as good as jbp. Especially that watereri is a backbudding machine, so much even that nearly 80% of all sheaths have buds inside of them after a good cutback.
I got mine from various unreliable sources in both China and Japan. But all of them seem to behave more or less the same. Back then I didn't have the money to buy from Du Puy, but I did work for a company that allowed me to do the entire seed sanitation process on the job.

Most of them are still in their juvenile needle stage after 1.5 years. I'm not giving up hope yet but if/when we get a good winter, I'm sure I can start over from scratch.
It's weird that even bristlecone pines and halepensis are doing better than my JBP.
Back then I didn't have the money to buy from Du Puy

Not even 6,50 € (US $ 7.23647)which is the price they provide for a 5 grammes, 280 seeds packet, rate of germination 50% ???

And the price for shipping inside the EU is very low.

They've got a few other pine species seeds too, some of them might be more adapted to our climate :

Not even 6,50 € (US $ 7.23647)which is the price they provide for a 5 grammes, 280 seeds packet, rate of germination 50% ???

And the price for shipping inside the EU is very low.

They've got a few other pine species seeds too, some of them might be more adapted to our climate :

Years prior to the start of the 6-years contest I always got my seeds from Semences du Puy. A couple of years ago I had three different black pines. Thunbergii, Nigra and Uncinata. Very different species btw. For the contest I wanted to try seeds that were sold as 'Mikawa-seeds'. They are in their second year now, I hope to see difference soon..
Doit être protégé des gels de printemps, préfère les climats doux, tout à fait adapté à ta région.
Must be protected from spring frosts, prefers warm climates, definitely adapted to your region.

B-Nutters, correct me if I'm wrong...

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