Advice: Is my Serissa diseased?


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I bought a Serissa (believe it to be foetida... it smells when pruned) a couple days ago from a nursery. Despite its being moved home in a cold climate, it seems to have coped well with the initial shock, so far. A few leaves have turned yellow (with dark green tips) and then fallen both today and yesterday. It looks quite healthy, however - by my amateur opinion. What concerns me is the base of the trunk. When I bought it, I noticed the trunk was greenish and a bit soft/flaky. Concerned, I asked the shop owner what this was - she said it was just moss, and that it would come right off and I shouldn't worry. On further inspection, it would seem this moss has grown under the bark of the tree at the base. Root structures have grown through the moss (removed in the picture), and these roots seem to belong to the tree itself. I would very much appreciate your advice. Is this a threat to the health of the tree? What should I do to help the tree? I don't want to shock the exposed roots coming off the trunk. Is this tree more prone to infection, having part of the bark gone?

Oh, more information relevant to the yellowing leaves. I already mentioned it is a cold climate here. I am using a humidity tray to regulate the humidity to 50-60%. I keep it by a west-facing windowsill at day with a 60W grow bulb, and close the very well insulated blinds at night. The temperature shouldn't drop below... say 60 F. Daily temperature ranges from 60-70 F. My watering schedule is 2x a week, tops - however, only if the soil is near dry. I feed every other week. It gets a full day of winter sunlight, supplemented with a grow bulb, from noon till bedtime (often quite late for me). I have not pruned at all or repotted - it is still in its plastic dish and the store's bonsai soil. Does that sound like an appropriate plan for care of the tree? Oh, and those serissa flowers are starting to develop. Looking forward to that, unless my tree decides to throw a climatic fit. Anyway, I greatly appreciate your time and help, thanks.

This photo may appear small, but if you click on it that should make it bigger. If you cannot see this image, you may follow this link to my post in iVillage's bonsai forum on Garden Web entitled, "WANTED: Advice: Is my Serissa diseased?"
Serissa bark shreds, looks ok. It also wicks water visibly, making it a good environment for moss.
Serissas are extremely temperamental plants. very few bonsai people I know grow them. Most eventually give up on them. The moss was probably placed to hide the reverse taper in the trunk and roots started to grow into them. The exposed roots won't hurt the tree you can just snip them off or leave them and they'll dry out on their own since they are in the air.
The best advice I can give you is this- don't get emotionally attached to this tree and they seem to do best with benign neglect. Good luck with it.
I was thinking about building up the soil around those roots before repotting. On the healthy (bark covered side) of the Serissa, there are some nice aerial roots. In terms of aesthetics (perhaps I will have to bury these aerial roots), would it work to have this backside mound of soil covering the damaged side, while leaving the front exposed? Or perhaps I could somehow work this into a root-over-rock design? In the meantime, I didn't want to shock the plant with newly exposed roots, so I plastic wrapped the damaged area. Let me know if I should not do this. I should also mention that I will have to move this plant once again, when I return to college (1.5 hrs) in January. Indoor temperature should be similar. Thanks everyone, for your help.

My Serissa

In the end, it might look something like this...
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