I'm sure this info exists on the site, but I can't locate it if it's out there.
I just bought a cheap, 2.8 quart Mugo pumilio from Lowes and I'm not sure what I should do. The trunk is pretty thin and uninteresting but there are a lot of branches to work with. There's a whorl of branches just above the soil line, and another one about an inch or two above that, and a mini whorl up near the top.
Should I:
1) Repot into a larger pot to try to get some thickness?
2) Plant it in the ground to try and get some thickness?
3) Remove 1/3 of the branches and try to find the tree within?
4) None of the above?
Basically, I'm not sure if I should let it grow and cut it down!
PS - if there are some good starter threads on Mugo Pines, can someone point me in that direction? I found the "Mungo Train" thread, but it's 36 pages long and I'm suffering from a combination of information overload and not finding info on a newly bought tree.
I just bought a cheap, 2.8 quart Mugo pumilio from Lowes and I'm not sure what I should do. The trunk is pretty thin and uninteresting but there are a lot of branches to work with. There's a whorl of branches just above the soil line, and another one about an inch or two above that, and a mini whorl up near the top.
Should I:
1) Repot into a larger pot to try to get some thickness?
2) Plant it in the ground to try and get some thickness?
3) Remove 1/3 of the branches and try to find the tree within?
4) None of the above?
Basically, I'm not sure if I should let it grow and cut it down!
PS - if there are some good starter threads on Mugo Pines, can someone point me in that direction? I found the "Mungo Train" thread, but it's 36 pages long and I'm suffering from a combination of information overload and not finding info on a newly bought tree.