Acer Shirasawanum 'Sensu' health in jeopardy - What to do?

Bonsai Tree

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Definitely not a bonsai, but I think it would be a good idea to conjure the wisdom of this community. I have an acer shirasawanum 'sensu' that has yet to wake from dormancy. The buds appear to be alive and well, but I noticed that below the graft union the color of the rootstock has a black color and the appearance of dead wood. There's a little bit of green showing, but none of it makes it up past the graft site.

My questions are:
1) Is it possible that the tree will wake up even if the lower trunk is dead/compromised? If yes, I'll attempt an air layer to salvage the tree.
2) If the answer is no, is it possible that I could take dormant cuttings off of the live part of the tree and grow them with the assistance of rooting hormone?

Edit: I should add that everything above the graft appears to be alive. I'd also like to know if an airlayer to the live part of the tree would be possible while it is dormant, though I assume the answer is no.


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I had an issue similar to yours due to frost bite.
The snow accumulated on the side of the trunk and burned it..

The tree woke-up buds have open but yhe leaves couldn't survive.

I attached some picture of the damage on mine.




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I lost my sensu 2 years ago . Tree in my yard . It legit did this to one whole side of the tree, it leafed out in spring and the entire trees leaves withered and it died . Exceptionally sad. Now trying find another and can't. Tree grew in .y yard for 3 years then that happened. Never had issue with any other Japanese maples so 🤷
I lost my sensu 2 years ago . Tree in my yard . It legit did this to one whole side of the tree, it leafed out in spring and the entire trees leaves withered and it died . Exceptionally sad. Now trying find another and can't. Tree grew in .y yard for 3 years then that happened. Never had issue with any other Japanese maples so 🤷
Yeah, my sensu didn't make it. Another cultivar I had, "Summer Gold", had the same issue and never woke up from dormancy. It's a shame, I never even got to see those two trees in leaf, I ordered them both from conifer kingdom. I pray that it doesn't afflict any of my other maples this year.
Yeah, my sensu didn't make it. Another cultivar I had, "Summer Gold", had the same issue and never woke up from dormancy. It's a shame, I never even got to see those two trees in leaf, I ordered them both from conifer kingdom. I pray that it doesn't afflict any of my other maples this year.
Dang. Mine came from Forestfarm they no longer carry sensu and only ones I csn find are massive and expensive, sucks. So fsr it's been 2 yrs this spring will be 3rd wirh out it and none my others have died or been aflicted with same thing . Not sure if maybe it was bad rootstock or graft failed though weird as 3 winters before it died were way worse then the winter it died after. I definitely feel it wasn't winter killed , was told locally it could be winter scald (sun damage in winter) though no other trees I have in same area had issues. Wish I would have started a few cuttings but lesson learned I guess. Let's hopefully find new ones . Sensu is such beautiful leaved and shaped cultivar. Really lovely with wind movement too and great fall colors here in northern Indiana.
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