Worked this guy today and got him in one of the seven grow boxes I built yesterday.
Looks like a good fit.
Easy prep for the grow box, just stapled some window screening in.
Out of the pot, raked out the surface down to a decent start of nebari. Will need some more work, but not too bad for only being repotted once.
Mess of tangled roots. I wanted to try keeping as much as possible, but so many roots had intertwined into the bottom of the pot's screening that I had to cut off more than I wanted. I kept a lot, still, but instead of only removing 25%-30% of roots, I removed closer to 50%. Im not worried... silver maples are tough.
Projected front. Will use that low vertical bud as new leader and cut back this summer after seeing how the tree grows.
Complete with beer can for scale.
Possible long term styling idea. Silver maples grow weird and wild, lots of random side branches and often as a low clumpy tree. I'm thinking of going for something like that, low, wide, with at least one branch that "breaks the rules" like this tree often naturally does. The orange area is a concern due to it's straightness so I may need somehow kink that somehow for just a tiny bit of movement: